BOARD OF DIRECTORS -- Sensei Taylor Hayden


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Sensei Taylor HaydenNanadan

Taylor K. Hayden holds the distinct honor of being a direct student of karate legend Mr. Cecil T. Patterson. He has established an international legacy over the past 35 years. He was a tournament champion during the initial 20 years of karate practice and in 1984 fought on the first U.S. Eastern Wado-Ryu Federation team that participated in the Wado-Ryu world Championships in Tokyo, Japan.

Hayden earned a Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1970 from Vanderbilt University and a Master of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Vanderbilt University in 1972. During the early 1970’s, he was employed as a tire construction engineer for Gates and Armstrong Tire Corporation. During the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, he was an instructor of mathematics, computer programming, engineering science and karate at Volunteer State Community College in Gallatin, Tennessee. He personally developed the karate program in the physical education department at Volunteer State and was one of the first to teach karate for college credit in Tennessee.

Balancing the pen and the sword, Hayden was a contributing editor for Karate Illustrated and Sport Karate Magazines during the 1980’s and published many articles concerning karate-training methods, personal interviews with karate celebrities, and tournament coverage.

Today, Taylor Hayden has achieved the rank of Shichi-Dan (7th Degree Black Belt) and a full time professional, master karate instructor and school (dojo) director. He teaches classes daily in his Goodlettsville, Tennessee area karate school, which has been in continuous operation since 1973. He also oversees the karate curriculum taught at multiple affiliated dojos in the middle Tennessee area. He is Chief Black Belt examiner for the Black Belt examination Board and the Chairman of the Board for the U.S. Eastern Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Federation. His senior black belt students include Mr. Dale Kirby (7th degree), Mr. Neal Taylor (6th degree), Mr. Lonnie Blittle (4th degree), and Mr. Steve O’Riley (6th degree).

Mr. Hayden’s 7th degree black belt ranking and his many years of experience as a martial artist, tournament competitor, coach, author, instructor, and dojo owner keep him in constant demand throughout the United States as a consultant, teacher, lecturer and tournament official.


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