Ryu Karate The
Way of Peace |
as the first
truly Japanese style of
Karate, Wado Ryu remains one
of the world's leading classical ryu, and the principal martial
art studied by thousands of dedicated students the world
over. To learn more about the Way of Harmony, click on
any of the scrolls below.
has been said by many that the deepest secrets of karate's mental,
physical and spiritual awareness can be found within the moving
meditation of Kata. Click the scroll to explore
this fascinating subject. |
the origins our karate, and the
life of its founder, Hironori Ohtsuka, in this three-part
history written exclusively for USEasternWado.com. |
from an open letter to all Wado karateka, written just two short
years before his death, this letter from the Master himself
remains one of the most important archival documents in
traditional martial arts history. |
over time from the pages and verses of Bushido - the Code
of the Samurai - the Dojo Kun form the precepts of Honor,
Integrity, Respect, Loyalty and Justice that guide the lives of
all true Karateka. |
you are a novice, or a seasoned student, correct terminology is
essential to your complete education as a Karateka. Click the
scroll above to access our on-line primer, and expand your
knowledge! |
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